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1 Bedroom Flat  Let Agreed £1,050 pcm   Tenancy Info

Deposit: 1,050 (GBP)

Security Deposit £1,050


FIRST TIME LET!! Simple Estates are delighted to present this one bedroom apartment available to let immediately. The property has been refurbished to very high standard and comprises of open plan kitchen/living area, double bedroom, fully tiled family bathroom, laminate flooring throughout, off street parking and private garden.

Location: The property is located off Kingshill Avenue, 90 bus route, choice of schools and local amenities.

Admin Fees Apply


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This property is currently Let Agreed. However, register your details below and we will contact you if it becomes available again.


Descriptions of the property are subjective and are used in good faith as an opinion and NOT as a statement of fact. Please make further specific enquires to ensure that our descriptions are likely to match any expectations you may have of the property. We have not tested any services, systems or appliances at this property. We strongly recommend that all the information we provide be verified by you on inspection, and by your Surveyor and Conveyancer.